The TOFFEE Project

NEWS & UPDATES 》 TOFFEE-DataCenter - First Live Demo and software development - Update: 26-Aug-2016

Today I have done a test setup so that I can able to connect my Android Samsung Tab via TOFFEE DataCenter. Below is my complete test topology of my setup. For demo (and research/development) context I configured TOFFEE DataCenter in engineering debug mode. So I do not need two devices for this purpose.
73-1 TOFFEE-Datacenter Demo Topology

Here is photo of my setup. The monitor is connected to the TOFFEE-DataCenter server which is an Intel Core i7 5820K system. One end of the TOFFEE-DataCenter is connected to my main home wifi-router which is connected to the Internet. The other port of the TOFFEE-DataCenter is connected to the test Belkin Wifi Router. To which via WiFi my Samsung Android Tab is connected.
73-2 TOFFEE-Datacenter Demo Topology

I tested with various apps in my Samsung Tab such as Clash of Clans, News 360, Instructables and so on. I found Clash of Clans using SSL (HTTPS or TLS) traffic initially to authenticate and exchanges data to-and-fro to supercell servers. You can see here a TLSv1 packet exchange of Clash of Clans app captured in the TOFFEE DataCenter server.
73-4 TOFFEE DataCenter Live Demo Clash of Clans Wireshark capture

And in between it exchanges the game data (metadata) in custom TCP ports (in this case port 9339) as you can see below.
73-5 TOFFEE DataCenter Live Demo Clash of Clans Wireshark capture

Followed by Clash of Clans I tested the TOFFEE DataCenter performance with News360 Android app. I found News360 app is using standard port 80 (HTTP). And here is the overall bandwidth savings (and stats) captured in TOFFEE-DataCenter. Since most of the data is one-directional i.e Server --> Tab. One side (Internet to Tab) it shows the data in MB and on the other side (Tab to Internet) since it usually involves HTTP-GETs and TCP ACK packets, it shows data in KB units.
73-3 TOFFEE DataCenter Live Demo performance data optimization

Here is the instantaneous performance charts of the same.
73-6 TOFFEE DataCenter Live Demo instantaneous performance data optimization WAN
73-7 TOFFEE DataCenter Live Demo instantaneous performance data optimization LAN

I have done various live tests and performance analysis of this scenario. You can watch the same in my live Youtube video-log of the same:

Suggested Topics:

TOFFEE-DataCenter - WAN Optimization


💎 TOFFEE-MOCHA new bootable ISO: Download
💎 TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF

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In case if you need to deploy TOFFEE along with your existing VPN devices you can deploy the same as shown below. This will allow your VPN devices to encrypt your TOFFEE WAN Optimized network data. NOTE: Make sure about the VPN deployment topology done in the right order. Else TOFFEE (LAN side) may get VPN encrypted packets which may not be possible (and or difficult) to further optimize. Hence always make sure to deploy them in a topology suggested below so that TOFFEE devices are out of VPN tunnel.

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