The TOFFEE Project

NEWS & UPDATES 》 Why TOFFEE is forked from TrafficSqueezer

TrafficSqueezer is an open-source WAN Optimization project. TrafficSqueezer is mainly a research project which is started around mid-2006. It is initially started as a research (or prototype) code even before it is officially registered in But this code is just primitive user-space raw socket modules. This is later refined and a pre-alpha version is created. Followed by which Alpha release. This prototype code is moved from user-space to Linux Kernel (Kernel Space) and then the journey begin in terms of making a serious WAN Optimization solution. Once the pre-beta and beta releases are complete the mainstream series is started.

Here is the complete historical timeline of TrafficSqueezer(and the new TOFFEE) project:
Aug-2017TOFFEE development and support is discontinued. Instead the new TOFFEE-DataCenter will be supported to all users.
Aug-2016new TOFFEE-DataCenter :: TOFFEE-DataCenter
Jan-2016fork The TOFFEE Project :: TOFFEE
Apr-2015Raspberry Pi WAN Optimization Device
Jan-2015Mainstream: SIRI Series
Jun-2014Mainstream: SHREE Series
Jan-2014Mainstream: SANVI Series
Aug-2013Mainstream: COTTON-CANDY Series
Jul-2012Mainstream: SOLAR-FLARE Series
Apr-2011Mainstream release
Dec-2010Beta release
Jun-2010Pre-Beta release
Dec-2008Alpha release
Apr-2007Registered in Pre-Alpha release
Sep-2006Started research on WAN Optimization

TrafficSqueezer is mainly research centric and its purpose is to experiment WAN Optimization for Deep-space communications, Satellite networks and Mobile communications. Throughout many years its code and architecture underwent drastic changes so scale up and match these expectations/use-cases. The focus of TrafficSqueezer project is all about perfecting the WAN Optimization model and research than a very serious immediately usable WAN Optimization or Network Optimization software by every user in the world.

Introducing TOFFEE !
TOFFEE is a new fork of TrafficSqueezer project which is intended solely to cater Linux based Network Optimization platform and its related research (i.e: TOFFEE-Mocha, TrueBench, The Linux Channel, etc). Unlike TrafficSqueezer the primary objective of TOFFEE is not limited to research, but to bring in the change and make WAN Optimization suited for latest IT trends such as NFV, SDN, Virtualization, Software based WAN Optimization, IoT, and so on. Unlike TrafficSqueezer which is built in multiple stages and in multiple phases TOFFEE directly forked from the most latest mature version of TrafficSqueezer (mainstream). This way TOFFEE is not a project which is built from scratch. And so the new name TOFFEE hints new path, new direction, motivation, inspiration and a sense of simplicity.

Suggested Topics:

TOFFEE - WAN Optimization


💎 TOFFEE-MOCHA new bootable ISO: Download
💎 TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF

Recommended Topics:

Demo TOFFEE-DataCenter WAN Optimization VM Test Setup ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

TOFFEE-DataCenter with GlusterFS Storage Cluster ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

TOFFEE (and TOFFEE-DataCenter) optimized Wireless Mesh-Networks - B.A.T.M.A.N [ (Open Mesh)] ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE/TOFFEE-DataCenter can be used to optimize Ad-Hoc Mobile Wireless Mesh-Networks. To learn more about the same here are some references: B.A.T.M.A.N. - Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) - Wireless ad hoc network (WANET) - (Open Mesh) Wiki -

Introducing TOFFEE-Fudge - Network Packet Generator ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE Fudge is a simple intuitive Network Packet Generator which can be used to create custom test synthetic Network Packets and can be used in various applications such as networking research, network infrastructure troubleshooting, ethical hacking, as a network software development tool and so on.

TOFFEE Download :: TOFFEE-1.1.70-1-portable ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Off-Grid Home Lab Research Solar Installation ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Watch on Youtube - [466//1] 158 VLOG - TOFFEE WAN Optimization Software Development live update - 6-Nov-2016 ↗

Introducing TOFFEE-DataCenter ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE TOFFEE Data-Center is specifically meant for Data Center, Cluster Computing, HPC applications. TOFFEE is built in Linux Kernel core. This makes it inflexible to adapt according to the hardware configuration. It does sequential packet processing and does not scale up well in large multi-core CPU based systems (such as Intel Xeon servers, Core i7 Extreme Desktop systems,etc). Apart from this since it is kernel based, if there is an issue in kernel, it may crash entire system. This becomes a challenge for any carrier grade equipment (CGE) hardware build.

TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.32-1-x86_64 and TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.32-1-i386 Code Release ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
This is my first TOFFEE-Mocha combined x86-64 and i386 (Intel x86 64-bit and 32-bit) code release.

First TOFFEE Code Release ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
I started working on the new TOFFEE project (which is the fork of my earlier TrafficSqueezer open-source project) starting from 1st January 2016 onwards. Ever since I was busy in research and altering certain old features so that it is more minimal than TrafficSqueezer, a more focused agenda, deliver refined code and a broader vision. I have lined up more things to follow in the upcoming months. I want to focus about all aspects of WAN communication technologies not just on core WAN Optimization research and technology.

Tracking Live Network Application Data - in a WAN Acceleration (WAN Optimization) Device ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Featured Educational Video:
Watch on Youtube - [943//1] x23e TrueNAS ZFS Pool Resilver over and over again issue | ZFS NAS Storage | Forever Resilver ↗

Detect and Monitor Failing Harddrive in Linux - My Seagate 500GB HDD Died ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
My 500GB Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM hard-drive suddenly started making mild clicking noise. I found this happening since morning. I was suspicious that something wrong in this drive and when I opened the Linux Disks app, I can find the cause of this issue. The disk is increasingly getting read errors. Besides I can see various other parameters such as Power-On Hours, Temperature, Head flying hours, etc.

VPN Network Optimization via TOFFEE WAN Optimization ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
VPN Networks may degrade network performance due to various packet processing overheads such as encryption and by adding extra network protocol header(s) (such as IPv4/IPv6, IPSec, etc). This may inflate near MTU sized packets and causes excessive packet fragmentation. Here are the few examples of packet processing involved in a VPN (or a VPN like) Tunnel. With TOFFEE you can optimize these packets even before they get processed on to a VPN device. TOFFEE optimizes packet contents (application payload and transport headers) so that these TOFFEE optimized packets when they get processed by VPN devices (or VPN software stack) they may never need further packet fragmentation. Here is a deployment scenario of TOFFEE with VPN devices.

Building my own CDN - Finally Completed - Update: 17-Dec-2017 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Today I finally completed building my own private CDN. As I discussed so far in my earlier topics (Building my own CDN), I want to custom build the same step-by-step from scratch. And I don't want to for now use/buy third-party CDN subscriptions from Akamai, CloudFlare, Limelight, etc as I discussed earlier.

Replacing in Lab Intel Core i7 5820K Desktop PC with Intel Celeron 1037U Mini-PC ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
As a research experiment I replaced my Intel Core i7 5820K desktop PC with my Intel Celeron 1037U Mini-PC as my everyday desktop system. This is an attempt to reduce my overall monthly power consumption. As well an attempt to do feasibility tests and research to know how far Mini PC will dominate the market in future and to study the real potential of Mini PCs.

TOFFEE deployment topology guide ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Assume you have two sites (such as Site-A and Site-B) connected via slow/critical WAN link as shown below. You can optimize this link by saving the bandwidth as well possibly improve the speed. However, the WAN speed can be optimized only if the WAN link speeds are below that of the processing latency of your TOFFEE installed hardware. Assume your WAN link is 12Mbps, and assume the maximum WAN optimization speed/capacity of Raspberry Pi is 20Mbps, then your link will get speed optimization too. And in another case, assume your WAN link is 50Mbps, then using the Raspberry Pi as WAN Optimization device will actually increase the latency (i.e slows the WAN link). But in all the cases the bandwidth savings should be the same irrespective of the WAN link speed. In other words, if you want to cut down the WAN link costs via this WAN Optimization set up, you can always get it since it reduces the overall bandwidth in almost all the cases (including encrypted and pre-compressed data).

Research :: Optimization of network data (WAN Optimization) at various levels:
Network File level network data WAN Optimization

Learn Linux Systems Software and Kernel Programming:
Linux, Kernel, Networking and Systems-Software online classes

Hardware Compression and Decompression Accelerator Cards:
TOFFEE Architecture with Compression and Decompression Accelerator Card [CDN]

TOFFEE-DataCenter on a Dell Server - Intel Xeon E5645 CPU:
TOFFEE-DataCenter screenshots on a Dual CPU - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz - Dell Server