The TOFFEE Project

DOCUMENTATION 》 TOFFEE-DataCenter :: Optimized ISP backbone networks for countries with slowest Internet Speed

If you are an ISP and if you are located in one among the countries with slowest Internet speeds, then you can create optimized network tunnels via TOFFEE/TOFFEE-Datacenter. Here are the list of few countries with slowest Internet speed:

  • Bolivia
  • Nigeria
  • Libya
  • Kazakhstan
  • Syria
  • Iran
  • Mexico
  • Paraguay
  • and so on.

For example here is TOFFEE-DataCenter (or TOFFEE) optimized ISP networks(tunnels) between countries. In this case there is an ISP in Libya having slow backbone Internet, hence he can establish a TOFFEE based optimized tunnel between Romania Data-center (having high-speed internet) and Libya. Similarly there is another ISP in Argentina is able to boost his backbone Internet services by establishing a tunnel between his ISP and US West-Coast (California) Data-center.
TOFFEE-DataCenter optimized ISP network tunnels between countries

ISPs can also build multiple TOFFEE optimized tunnels for redundancy, load-share, etc. And in this case the ISP in Argentina established two tunnels. One between Argentina ISP to US West-Coast (California) Data-center and the other between Argentina ISP Romania Data-center as shown below.
TOFFEE-DataCenter optimized ISP network tunnels between countries2

Wiki :: List of countries by Internet connection speeds
World’s top 10 countries with slow Internet connection

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TOFFEE-DataCenter - WAN Optimization


💎 TOFFEE-MOCHA new bootable ISO: Download
💎 TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF

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