The TOFFEE Project

RELEASE 》 TOFFEE-Mocha - WAN Emulator :: TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso

Download TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso via Google Drive share:
Live bootable x86-64 Debian Stretch 9.5 with light-weight LXDE UI ISO (includes source-code): TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso
* you can find the source tar-ball in the /root folder.

* To know more about the project kindly refer TOFFEE- Mocha: News and Updates - Documentation.

To know more about current specific release, objectives, features, release notes/updates, quick demo and future road-map, you can watch my video below:

Here are some of the screenshots and an overview of this release (for more feature details and instructions refer documentation and updates):

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso is built upon Debian Stretch 9.5 x86_64 platform (with light-weight LXDE desktop environment UI).
01 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Login Page

Login via - username: "root" and password: "welcome".
02 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Debian Login

Default LXDE Desktop UI
03 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Desktop

Open Firefox. And you should get the default pre-configured home page (http://localhost/toffee_mocha) as shown below:
04 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Firefox

Login via - username: "root" and password: "welcome".
05 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Login

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - Home Page
06 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Home Page

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - Server Status
07 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Server Status

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - Network Port Settings Page
08 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Port Settings Page

Configure the ports. Any two ports as LAN and WAN ports. And optional Management port. * refer documentation for more details
09 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - Ports Settings Page

Test Desktop connected via TOFFEE Mocha WAN Emulator
10 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - test access - ping - via Toffee Mocha WAN Emulator

A quick wget test via TOFFEE Mocha WAN Emulator
11 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - test access - wget - via Toffee Mocha WAN Emulator

Configuring constant packet delay. * refer documentation for more details as well in-page context based help.
12 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - packet delay

A quick wget test via TOFFEE Mocha WAN Emulator with a constant packet delay feature.
13 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - test access - wget with packet delay - via Toffee Mocha WAN Emulator

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - live stats Network Bytes and Packets
14 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - live stats bytes and packets

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - live stats TCP Sessions
15 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - live stats TCP Sessions

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - live stats Network Application
16 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - live stats Network Application

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - About Page
17 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - About Page

TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64 - License Page
18 TOFFEE-MOCHA-2.0.3-0-10-nov-2018-x86-64.iso - License Page

💎 TOFFEE-MOCHA new bootable ISO: Download
💎 TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF

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