O projeto TOFFEE

DOCUMENTATION 》 TOFFEE (and TOFFEE-DataCenter) deployment with web-proxy cache

If you want to deploy TOFFEE along with a web-proxy cache (such as Squid Proxy) you can deploy the same as shown below. TOFFEE does not cache files. TOFFEE does packet level network optimization. So if you want caching your web content you can use transparent mode web-proxy cache intercepting your WAN links. A web-proxy may reduce amount of data being processed (optimized) within these TOFFEE devices and so reduce the CPU overheads and improve its performance.

TOFFEE WAN Optimization Web-proxy cache topology

For example, TOFFEE deployment with Squid Cache proxy:
TOFFEE WAN Optimization with Squid Cache Proxy topology

NOTE: As one can understand a web-proxy cache is not always applicable for all types of WAN traffic such as VoIP data, remote database connections, streaming content and so on. In situations like this TOFFEE is highly effective optimizing live, dynamic content like this by itself.

Learn more about: TOFFEE WAN Optimization deployment

Tópicos sugeridos:

TOFFEE - Otimização de WAN


💎 TOFFEE-MOCHA new bootable ISO: Download
💎 TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF

Tópicos recomendados:

TOFFEE DataCenter WAN Optimization - Google Hangouts demo and VOIP Optimization ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE DataCenter WAN Optimization - Google Hangouts demo and VOIP Optimization

Bitcoin Mining - Blockchain Technology - Network Optimization via TOFFEE Data-Center WAN Optimization ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Bitcoin Mining - Blockchain Technology - Network Optimization via TOFFEE Data-Center WAN Optimization

TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 15-July-2016 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Today I completed doing all the changes which are meant for the new upcoming TOFFEE-Mocha release. I have increased the resolution and the range of all factor variables. Instead 1 to 10 range now they have a range of 1 to 30. Unlike before the value 1 means it is lot more intense (or in some cases less intense) and the uppermost value 30 means lot less intense (or in some cases lot intense).

Skype VOIP Data - WAN Acceleration ↗
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TOFFEE (and TOFFEE-DataCenter) deployment with VPN devices ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
In case if you need to deploy TOFFEE along with your existing VPN devices you can deploy the same as shown below. This will allow your VPN devices to encrypt your TOFFEE WAN Optimized network data. NOTE: Make sure about the VPN deployment topology done in the right order. Else TOFFEE (LAN side) may get VPN encrypted packets which may not be possible (and or difficult) to further optimize. Hence always make sure to deploy them in a topology suggested below so that TOFFEE devices are out of VPN tunnel.

YouTube Video Network Traffic Optimization - WAN Optimization Demo ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

TOFFEE (and TOFFEE-DataCenter) deployment with VPN devices ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
In case if you need to deploy TOFFEE along with your existing VPN devices you can deploy the same as shown below. This will allow your VPN devices to encrypt your TOFFEE WAN Optimized network data. NOTE: Make sure about the VPN deployment topology done in the right order. Else TOFFEE (LAN side) may get VPN encrypted packets which may not be possible (and or difficult) to further optimize. Hence always make sure to deploy them in a topology suggested below so that TOFFEE devices are out of VPN tunnel.

TOFFEE-Mocha Documentation :: TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.14-1-rpi2 - Raspberry Pi WAN Emulator ↗
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TOFFEE deployment topology guide ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Assume you have two sites (such as Site-A and Site-B) connected via slow/critical WAN link as shown below. You can optimize this link by saving the bandwidth as well possibly improve the speed. However, the WAN speed can be optimized only if the WAN link speeds are below that of the processing latency of your TOFFEE installed hardware. Assume your WAN link is 12Mbps, and assume the maximum WAN optimization speed/capacity of Raspberry Pi is 20Mbps, then your link will get speed optimization too. And in another case, assume your WAN link is 50Mbps, then using the Raspberry Pi as WAN Optimization device will actually increase the latency (i.e slows the WAN link). But in all the cases the bandwidth savings should be the same irrespective of the WAN link speed. In other words, if you want to cut down the WAN link costs via this WAN Optimization set up, you can always get it since it reduces the overall bandwidth in almost all the cases (including encrypted and pre-compressed data).

TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 18-June-2016 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
In the previous update (17-Jun-2016) I discussed about the upcoming new Random Packet drop feature along with other completed features. Now I completed the entire TOFFEE-Mocha Random packet drop feature. I completed all the kernel components and the UI support of the same. And to make GUI settings more organized I split the earlier Basic-Settings page into two separate pages namely: Packet Drop and Packet Delay. So this way it is simple to understand settings according to their functionality.

Featured Educational Video:
Assista no Youtube - [435//1] 0x1d3 Who gets Laid off (or Fired) during a recession ? #TheLinuxChannel #KiranKankipati ↗

TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 19-July-2016 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Today I refined the first page consolidated report graphs. TOFFEE-Mocha (unlike TOFFEE) is a WAN Emulator, so the graphs are supposed to highlight this purpose and should display the overall network activity. Unlike TOFFEE, the TOFFEE-Mocha report should contain in general what is received versus what is sent across the wire. In case if the packet drop feature is enabled, you should see few missing bytes and packets. Similarly in future I may support packet duplication feature, in that case you may see more packets/bytes sent versus the packets/bytes actually received.

My Lab Battery Purchase and Service logs for Research ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Here is a complete log of my lab battery purchase, service record which I maintain in Google drive. These I use for my home (or my family generic use) as well as a part of my home lab. I maintain a detailed log this way to monitor the failure rate of these batteries. This will allow me to select a specific brand/model which has higher success rate and to monitor any premature failure/expiry. The service log helps me to monitor and schedule the next service routine so that I can maintain these batteries in tip-top condition.

Building my own CDN - Google PageSpeed Insights - Update: 22-Jul-2016 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Ever since after I launched my new The TOFFEE Project website on 1-May'2016, I can see there is a steep increase in traffic. Soon after the launch when I monitored its Alexa rankings it was reporting about 12 Million or so. But once it is getting more and more traffic the Alexa rankings shot up and now currently it shows around 2 Million (as on 22-July-2016). Alexa is an excellent tool to monitor your overall website global ranking and indirectly its performance. Unlike Google Analytics which is bound one or other way into Google's SEO. Alexa gives you a second opinion about your website's growth.

TOFFEE Download :: TOFFEE-1.1.70-1-portable ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Assista no Youtube - [889//1] 280 WAN Optimization - Animated demo of Packet Optimization in TOFFEE-DataCenter ↗

TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 1-July-2016 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Today I got a feature request from Jonathan Withers. Jonathan is from a company called MultiWave Australia. He said he is able to get the TOFFEE-Mocha Raspberry Pi setup up and with that he is able to emulate geostationary satellite link. But he requested me is there a way to extend the constant packet delay from 40mS to 500mS. So as a part of his request I supported the same in the current ongoing development version of TOFFEE-Mocha.

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